Wild Womb Activation


Wild Womb Activation

Welcome to the awakening of your primal, fearless, magnetic sexuality!


This potent energy transmission opens the primal, deep, passionate ‘she-wolf’ at the core of your Womb, connected to the Womb of the World, Web of Life and the Universal Womb which birthed all matter – this is the powerful essence of a woman that opens to the deepest wisdom, freedom and power of Love.


It’s completely sexual, magnetic and wild – without boundaries, able to overcome any obstacle. It will radically transform you, breaking you through all your fears and allowing your Life-Force to flow with a Roar and a deeply sensual shimmy.


Good for:

- learning self-love

- developing personal power and boundaries

- overcoming sexual shame held at a cellular level

- dissolving patterns of self-sabotage or past patterns of victimhood

- releasing feelings of hopelessness or despair

- opening to deep pleasure, sexually and sensually, making love with life itself

- feeling juicy and open in relationship to the masculine

- overcoming patterns of control or feeling contracted and unfeminine

- good for abundance and manifesting your soul mission

- Gives you the power to follow your heart in every moment.


The time has come to reclaim your wild sexual power!


~ The Fountain of Life

Artist Credits:  Cameron Smith


Exchange:  €  65  (Euro)


 Currently not available



Ulrike Sara Talisea

Sacred Space for Your Soul


Contact: WombofJoy(at)yahoo.de

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